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Assessment: a synonym for Kenhardt

Conducting assessments is at the heart of our services. Kenhardt provides added value and supports you in taking the right decisions that largely determine the success of your organisation. With an eye for the interests of client and candidate and with human profit as the greatest common denominator.

What is an assessment?

An assessment is a psychological investigation in which various psychological tools such as tests, questionnaires, interviews and simulation exercises are used to find out whether a candidate is suitable for a particular job and/or whether a candidate can develop to the job requirements. By creating an environment in which a candidate is challenged to show as much of himself as possible, we get a good picture of qualities and development points. In this way, Kenhardt provides added value and supports you in taking the right decisions that largely determine the success of your organisation. Kenhardt offers different types of assessments:

  • Selection Assessment: you know a candidate only from selection interviews and you want to know more about his or her competences, personality and talents. Is this candidate really the right person in the right place?
  • Potential Assessment: you want to know whether there is more in an employee than you can judge from his/her current position. You want to clarify whether someone can become successful in a different role. For example, does he/she have the potential to become a manager?
  • Development Assessment: you want an objective starting point as a basis for development so that an employee can develop in a targeted way.
  • Career Assessment: career moves offer people new opportunities, but also come with considerable downside risk. The decision to take the next step or accept a new position has to be taken deliberately by the employee. On the other hand, the organisation questions whether the offer is appropriate.
  • Executive Assessment: an executive assessment is an assessment for a crucial position with a relatively high risk of harm. This assessment is conducted by a senior psychologist with extensive experience. The difference with a regular assessment is that this type of assessment involves several role-plays and possibly several interviews, which may include the use of video feedback. The programme is fully customised, based on the questions underlying the assessment.
  • Online Assessment: for a defined question or large groups of employees (mostly operational).

When is an assessment useful?

In all situations where you want to know more about your employee or a candidate, an assessment adds value. An assessment helps to make informed decisions about and by people.

The Employment Lifecycle clearly indicates the five moments when important decisions are taken and an assessment adds value: selection, assessment, development, career and dismissal.

What can you expect from Kenhardt?

The assessment procedure is carried out for you by Kenhardt from A to Z in a professional and businesslike manner. We advise and support in all steps related to the assessment, so that each assessment has an optimal yield. We approach candidates with the utmost care and respect on behalf of your organisation.

For the assessment:

  • Prompt processing of the application;
  • Clear analysis of the question;
  • Alignment on process and method of reporting;
  • Timely, clear and personal invitation of candidates;
  • Short-term planning (often within one week).


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